Saturday, April 17, 2010

Independent Voters Rock!

Last night I had the pleasure of meeting with a group of Independent voters in my district. These individuals had a very refreshing approach to politics. They did not adhere to any "party line" just for the sake of sticking with the label. Rather, they thought for themselves and were not afraid to go against the mainstream on issues. They also had a healthy skepticism of the media, and the barrage of emotional messages that come at them 24/7 from various news channels.

What impressed me so much about this group was its desire to vote for the leader, not the label. The individuals had a history of voting for both Republican and Democrat candidates in their respective pasts. They did not get caught up with labels, but took the time to get to know the local leader and what he or she stood for. One woman said that in the last election, she had an Obama sign in her yard right next to a (Republican) Mike Turner sign. She felt that Mike Turner had done a lot for her district and was the best choice at that time. She frankly did not care what her neighbors thought. Now that's the American spirit!

The issues facing our country and our state are often extremely complex. To remain Independent shows a thinking and questioning mind; a person who understands that many issues are not black and white, and cannot be neatly framed in a 30-second sound bite. That person also understands that no one party has all the answers. Moreover, neither party is "the enemy." Both parties are designed to keep our system in balance, and each party has beliefs and ideas that are worthy of respectful consideration.

Just over 20% of Warren County voters call themselves Democrats. Just over 30% call themselves Republicans. About 45% of Warren County voters call themselves Independents. I believe that the Independents will vote me into office in November. I have absolute faith in their ability to see that I am a competent woman who will listen to the people she represents and support legislation that will  bring prosperity and balance to the 67th District. If you know an Independent voter in Warren County, please give them my information. No doubt about it, Independent voters ROCK!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Q and A

Question: Can a Democrat EVER win an election in Warren County?

Answer: With your support, I will be elected on November 2, 2010 for State Representative of the 67th District.

Here’s why I stand a chance:

As a responsible moderate business person in Lebanon, I have a passion for bringing significant job growth to Warren County. This is the ONLY way to increase the tax base. 

The new jobs that must come to District 67 should be in lucrative areas like IT, healthcare, and renewable energy. I hear what the voters are saying: NO new taxes or tax increases! Our home values have plummeted and many of us have experienced job loss, or reduction in income since the recession began. 

Question: Can a Democrat lead District 67 as a fiscal conservative?

Answer: This one will.

House Democrats in the Ohio General Assembly have reduced spending by $4.3 billion over the past three years. A $296 million shortfall is expected in Ohio's mid-year, 2010 budget. This means that deeper budget cuts must occur. Big government does NOT mean better government.  

Question: Does this mean you want to cut out vital services?

Answer: Absolutely not.

By cutting back on government waste and aggressively offering tax incentives for IT and energy-related businesses in the 67th District, we can protect vital services such as desperately needed road repairs, help for the elderly and disabled, and education. A community is only as strong as its middle class and its local industry. More jobs, better jobs = a stronger tax base to fund essential services.  

I cannot win this election without YOUR support. Please contribute as generously as you can to my campaign. To contribute, write check to "Friends of Anne K Howard" and mail to 12 East Warren St., Lebanon, Ohio 45036. Also, I would love to see you at my Campaign Kick-Off Event at Gourmet on Broadway, Saturday, June 5, 2010 at 7PM.